IBC Awards 2025 longlist revealed!

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How will I know if my application is successful?

We will email the nominated contact at your school or community library to organise the delivery of your IBC Book Box and arrange a suitable time for promo opportunities.

Unfortunately, we will not be able to inform unsuccessful applicants about the outcome of their application.

What books will be in the box?

Each IBC Book Box will contain 100 free books reviewed and rated by our expert IBC reviewers, and the titles will be suitable for children aged 2 to 12 years old.

The carefully curated book box will also normally contain fiction, with a fantastic selection of inclusive children's board books, picture books, chapter books and/or anthologies. We will endeavour to select texts that match your organisation's requirements as best we can.

How much input is required from participants?

We would like successful applicants to participate in promotional opportunities that highlight the positive impact of our IBC Book Box within their settings.

Details of potential promotional activities can be discussed with lead contacts to agree on the most appropriate activities for your setting but, for example, promotional activities could include filming a short 1- to 2-minute video of children talking about books they’ve enjoyed from our IBC Book Box or an interview with a lead member of staff.

Successful applicants will also need to complete a short impact measurement questionnaire.

We’re not a state school or community library, can I apply?

No, we’re afraid you can’t apply for this particular scheme. However, we would very much value the support of parents, childminders and other early years providers, public libraries, Schools Library Services and private schools in connecting eligible state schools and community libraries with this opportunity. Please forward details of the IBC Book Box bookgifting scheme to them.

We don’t have a school library, can we apply?

Absolutely! Your class reading corners, bookshelves, book trollies and learning resource rooms all count. We aspire to a world in which a sample of children’s books from any place, including your whole school’s book collection, reflects the diversity of our society.

Need more info?

If you can't find the answer you need above, please email sophie@inclusivebooksforchildren.org.

Learn more about the inclusive children’s books reviewed by IBC via our homepage.